Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My current vitamin reggie...

For Hair & Body (Taking for approx. 1 1/2 months)
5000 mg daily

-Garlic Oil-
3 mg daily

2500 mg daily

Prenatal Vitamins
Vitamin D (I have a defienciency)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Another Wash Day!

I took my hair down Friday, I've been wearing a half-wig for a bout a week. . . I did a pre-poo with my Indian oil mix to stretghten my hair and promote growth, I also sprayed my hair and scalp with aloe Vera juice to combat my serious shedding issues. I left that on for about a hour or so. I followed the pre-poo with a wash with Aphrogee Damaged Hair Shampoo and Dr.Bonner mix shampoo. I followed that with a Deep condition with a mixture of my STAPLE Cream of Nature Jojoba & Olive Oil Moisture Active Deep Conditioning Treatment and Silicon Mix Massss. My staple CON works wonders on my new growth and has such amazing slip its ridicules.

Friday, November 12, 2010

*Product Review* sofn'free Gro Healthy Milk Protein &Olive Oil

Product name: sofn'free Gro Healthy Milk Protein &Olive Oil
(Really Deep Conditioning Treatment)

Claims: Stops breakage and promote growth
Milk Protien: Soothes the scalp, strengthens & adds shine
Olive Oil: Promotes a healthy scalp, repairs damage and adds shine
Omega 3: Rebuilds, stenghthens & protects hair from within.

My Two Cents:
This was my first time using this product. I first sprayed my hair and scalp with aloe vera juice to try and stem my sheeding then i smothhed the condition on my hair. I must say as soon as it touch my hair i could feel it sofening and detangling. It also came with a particular tingly cool sensation. Probly in part too the METHOL in the ingredants. I left on for about a hour then rinsed.
The results were my hair definatly was way easier to handle and was not as tangled. There was still the extensive shedding i have been condending with these last few weeks but not as much as previous washes. Since i did a air dry and and basically left my hair in bun i really can't give too many of the details but i definatly enjoyed it and will rebuy and try once more..

Friday, November 5, 2010

Upcoming wash day & Take down ..

So tonight I'm doing to take down my hair and give it a good cleaning and treatment. The protocol I'm going to follow is:

-Pre poo with Nutrine Garlic Treatment & VO5 Split ends
-Sit under dryer for 5-10 minutes
-Wash with Aphrogee damaged hair shampoo
-Follow with w wash with Sulfate free Dr.Bonners Shampoo
-Deep condition using Alterego garlic treatment mixed with ORS replenishing pack.

That's what i have planned so far .. I'll up date later with the leave ends used and the results of the treatment. Also with the status of my hair growth and condition after 3 weeks of a sew in.